Similar words: reality, in reality, quality control, check, check-in, check in, recheck, checkout. Meaning: n. an occasion on which one is reminded of the nature of things in the real world.
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1. Jones's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner.
2. It's time for a reality check. The Bears aren't as good a team as you think.
3. I needed-what do they call that?-a reality check.
4. Such feedback can be valuable as a reality check and provide you support when you actually implement your plan.
5. Your accountant can do a reality check on your projections.
6. We've been asked to pausea reality check.
7. Tomorrow's US payroll data could be a reality check.
8. We've been asked pause a reality check.
9. When it beeps, do a reality check.
10. A reality check is, however, in order.
11. All told, the jobs data served as a reality check and signaled that any recovery will not be smooth sailing, analysts said.
12. Leave school, reality check.
13. Li says the drought has served as a reality check on the importance of water conservation.
14. This program is intended as a reality check for CEOs.
15. We had our first reality check at Pyongyang airport, when our mobile phones were confiscated. This evidence of total state control was immediate and shocking.
16. Now that is an embarrassing reality check for the England team and their miserable fans.
17. The recent failure of so many Internet businesses has provided a reality check for those who predicted huge profits.
18. Mayor, why don't you drive around and get a reality check?
19. Well, the first loss to Kentucky in 75 years and an imminent losing season is bringing forth a rude reality check.
20. It is said that 90% of frosh expect to be above average in their class. You are to provide a reality check.
21. After all those elaborate productions,( check.html) I felt in need of a reality check.
22. But they know they will also receive empathy, possible solutions and even a reality check.
23. Still, the existence of a delivery date forces people to act, providing a useful reality check.
More similar words: reality, in reality, quality control, check, check-in, check in, recheck, checkout, check up, check out, checking, checkered, check up on, unchecked, bank check, hold in check, checkbook, checkpoint, double check, cashier's check, certified check, checking account, realise, realize, realist, realism, realised, real income, realized, realistic.